The Water Rabbits

A new paperback fiction collection by me – ‘The Water Rabbits’ – is out now.

It’s available in the UK here for £6.50, and in the US there and there for $7.92

WR cover for site

Featuring fourteen short pieces – mostly at the experimental end of the fiction spectrum – the approach is pretty similar to my previous collection (‘The Mascot Moth’), and my film work in general: formally venturesome rather than hard line experimental, taking pleasure in narrative and its plasticity; engaged with not-quite-our-worlds, but ones which are still close enough etc.

So, if you’ve enjoyed any of my moving image work then there’s a strong likelihood that this will appeal i.e. it’s similar… but still (and on paper). None of the material is related to my films or performance pieces – it’s all new – so if you’ve never seen any films by me that’s not going to be a problem either!

Narratively, the scenarios within ‘The Water Rabbits’ include: the reappearance of monsters in a town that has long since stopped believing in them; a plague of sinkholes; an experiment in saying yes; a sound-artist who specializes in recording bone growth; a drift through the streets of a city where the local authors have run out of things to say; and an awful lot more.

Still hesitating? Then here are three samples:

The end of the expert (1,157 words)

Absence of monster (2,880 words)

history lessons (518 words)

Some final facts:

The shortest piece runs to 347 words; the book’s 172 pages long and weighs 248g; one piece has pictorial accompaniment, three dress up in verse.